Fuzzy Search documentation from the CLI.

See it in action here https://terminalizer.com/view/2c3935cf1418

Disclaimer This tool was built to learn FZF capabilities. Feel free to use it or extend it.


doc-fzf ansible
doc-fzf ansible -q yum


pip3 install doc-fzf

Verify your installation:

doc-fzf -h

usage: doc-fzf.py [-h] [-q QUERY] module_name


positional arguments:
module_name  Name of the module to search

optional arguments:
-h, --help   show this help message and exit
-q QUERY     Query the docs

Extending Doc-FZF

doc-fzf is a modular application. It can load modules at runtime that scrap websites in any way you like.

Any module should always contain:

  • class name must always be Screapper(FZFDoc)
  • self.documentation_url attribute
  • def get_documentation(self): function that must always return a tuple (“url”, “description”)
from doc_fzf.pyfzf import FZFDoc

class Scrapper(FZFDoc):
    def __init__(self):
        self.base_url = "https://docs.python.org/3"
        self.documentation_url = "{0}/py-modindex.html".format(self.base_url)
        FZFDoc.__init__(self, self.documentation_url)

    def get_documentation(self):
        """ Return a tuple of (url, description)
        docs = get_online_documentation()
        for doc in docs:
            yield (doc.url, doc.description)

Here is the ansible documentation example

Road Map

  • Module definition
  • FZFDoc base class
  • File system cache layer
  • Load dynamic modules
